Friday Friend Features: Emmy Vazquez

Learning to find balance, stabilizing a healthy relationship with exercise, food, health and body image, and most importantly, loving yourself, are all probably the most heavily emphasized components of my blog’s core message. I introduce health and fitness as a means of improving the quality of your life, whether you want to lose weight, tone up, gain strength, and many more.

With the kick-start of my weight gain journey, this interview could not have come at a better time. I am so honored and excited to introduce Emmy, a friend I met through my blog and Instagram, to all of you in this interview. She has such a fascinating, inspiring and extraordinary journey with recovery, self-love and acceptance as well as the most positive, down-to-earth and vibrant energy. I know you’ll enjoy reading!


  1. Okay, time for an introduction! How would you describe yourself and your online platforms to new readers?

I post what works for me in hopes of inspiring others to do what works for them and for them to do what makes them the happiest. I post things that I enjoy and I only want to show people that life doesn’t always have to be taken so seriously. It’s the little things in life that matter most!

  1. Your blog is primarily dedicated to your love for health, fitness, food, nutrition, life, and general wellness. But I must ask–why koalas?

Koalas are my spirit animal. I don’t even remember when I truly fell in love with them but I can’t resist. They are soft, cuddly, down to earth, and love greens. Sounds like we would make a great team. I can’t look at a koala and not smile.

  1. When I first stumbled upon your Instagram, your general theme centered around recovery from anorexia. Would you mind sharing a little bit about your journey with your eating disorder: how it started, what happened over the course of time and where you are now?

When I was 13, I lost myself. After moving from my hometown to another state, all I wanted was to fit in and be liked by everyone. So I wanted to make myself stand out. I always had insecurities growing up but I took it down a deep, dark path. I never wish anyone struggle with an eating disorder. It takes your heart and soul away along with good relationships. It took multiple treatment centers and the personal dedication to finally recover and stay healthy. I am not saying my recovery was perfect because nothing is, but it was well worth the fight. Strong beats skinny any day.


  1. In regards to treating eating disorders, outpatient programs and other centers tend to get a bad rep. From your experience, do you see anything worthy of eliminating, implementing, and/or continuing in these centers to improve the outcomes of these treatment programs?

I personally think it depends on the individual. I don’t think they are as bad as people make them out to be. They are there for the sole purpose of getting you healthy which is sometimes hard for people to do when at home exposed to outside triggers. There are obviously some things I would change about the way they carry recovery out but maybe one day I can be that change.

  1. Speaking of which, eating disorders themselves constantly receive a bad rep, mostly because it’s so hard for outsiders to delve into the minds of those with eating disorders. Did you have a support system in your journey, and what do you suggest people who know ED victims to do?

My biggest support team were my parents. They never ever gave up on me through all the disagreements…. we even grew as a family and we became closer. If anyone knows someone that may struggle with body image or eating issues, speak your mind! Let them or someone else close to them know and try to turn it around before things get to a worse place.

  1. Aside from both having suffered skewed relationships with food, exercise, and body image, the two of us are also college students. Hence, we have a limited budget and amount of time to prepare healthy, nourishing food that we can feel good about. However, your Instagram is loaded with incredible recipes and food photography! What are your favorite go-to meals?

I absolutely LOVE overnight oats! They are so convenient to just grab after a morning workout or before class. I also love making sweet potatoes the night before and eating them cold the next day! Perfection with nut butter too. Always have one day a week you meal prep things in bulk like rice, lentils, veggies, etc.


  1. Okay, we’re both TOTAL foodies, so I could not pass up asking a super fun food-related question! Pick your three favorite food combinations, three favorite kitchen staples and three favorite recipes!

Oh gosh, I couldn’t live without sweet potatoes + tahini, banana + almond butter, or avocado + toast. BEST combos ever! 3 kitchen staples: beans, bread, bananas no doubt. 3 favorite recipes at the moment: My vegan banana date bread, lentil Bolognese, and vegan cornbread!


  1. One of my favorite parts of your blog and Instagram is your authenticity (especially in the site’s “Life” category). Why do you choose to share both the good and the bad in your life on a platform that is so clouded with “forced positivity”?

I am not a perfect person. I don’t have a perfect life and I think it’s important that people can see both the bad and the good to know that it’s okay to not always have your shit together. Being human means you will have hard times but that’s how we grow.

  1. You never fail to share the most inspirational Instagram captions and blog posts. Who and what are some of your personal inspirations that motivate you in your life?

In all honesty, I don’t really know. Over the years there have been countless amounts of people supporting me and inspiring me that I can’t just think of a name to write. But I will say to never forget the ones that helped you get to the place you are today.

  1. Ultimately, what has sharing your story and your personal experiences on such an open platform done for you? Would you recommend that anybody who is also suffering from any form of disordered eating, anxiety, or low self-esteem to start using social media as a means for healing themselves?

That’s a tough question because there are also so many toxic things you expose yourself to by starting a recovery account. If you don’t really want to recover, there can be a lot of comparisons and misinterpretations. I would say it all depends on who you follow and how you handle seeing others journeys and separating that from your own.

Follow Emmy on Instagram and her blog linked here!

2 responses to “Friday Friend Features: Emmy Vazquez”

  1. LOVED this! Great post, Emmy and Cassie. Loved the photos and can’t wait to check out now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading Cindy! I hope you enjoy her blog! XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

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