Lakanto: Monk Fruit Maple Flavored Syrup Review

Every breakfast lover must have doused a stack of pancakes or waffles with nearly half a cup of maple syrup at least once in their lifetime. I can testify that I’ve done this multiple times in the past, and I have no regrets about it!

While maple syrup is definitely a healthier alternative than conventional cane sugar or powdered sugar, its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content falls short in comparison to its extremely high sugar content. As iterated in many health studies, heavy doses of sugar can be fatally harmful, and even deathly, especially if in the form of a refined food.

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Fortunately, there are more than plenty of natural and beneficial sweeteners that not only deliver a strong amount of sweetness, but are also very low in calories and carbohydrates, which are wonderful for diabetics, those with high blood pressure, and sugar intolerances. One of the most popular sweeteners currently in the market is monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, or the Southeast Asian “Buddha fruit”. This is where Lakanto comes to play.

The story of Lakanto is inspired by an ancient group of Buddhist monks known as Luohan that cultivated the luo han guo as a sacred fruit of increasing mental and spiritual peace. With virtually no calories, no glycemic index, no aftertaste, no gluten, and no animal by-products, Lakanto’s monk fruit sweeteners can easily be used in baking and cooking in the exact same ratio as sugar for the same sweetness!

When I met Lakanto for the first time at the L.A. Green Festival, I was completely enthralled by their monk fruit-sweetened maple syrup (their chocolates are absolutely delicious too!), so enthralled that I had to take home a bottle to bring to college. Ever since, I’ve been drizzling it on top of nearly everything!

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As you can see, for every two tablespoons, you get twenty calories, eleven grams of carbohydrates, five grams of fiber (which is INSANE), and ZILCH sugar. Plus, it is completely autism approved!

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If you scroll through my Instagram, you’ll see that I use this maple syrup almost religiously! The sweetness is prominent, yet not too overpowering like sucralose, nor does it have an acquired aftertaste as Stevia does. You really can’t ask for any more!


If I ever have this maple syrup, I put it on pretty much EVERYTHING. It’s a great way to enhance the taste protein pancakes, sweet potatoes, cereal, or any other dessert/sweet breakfast recipe as a substitute for maple syrup. Even using the same ratio quantities as regular maple syrup in recipes, the monkfruit syrup also works very well as a baking substitute! For a peanut butter cookie recipe that uses this monkfruit maple syrup, click here!

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Every bottle on its website is around $8.99, making it a relatively expensive item. However, you can use a discount code or purchase a bottle during a site sale. The viscosity of the syrup is not as thick as regular maple syrup, which may be due to the absence of bonds that would be formed from sugar molecules.

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Ever since the L.A. Green Festival and the preceding events where I’ve met the Lakanto community, the monk fruit maple syrup has won over my heart! While I genuinely wish that it was sold closer in my proximity and at a slightly lower price, it is worth every investment. If you are trying to find a low sugar syrup that tastes natural and contains some favorable health properties, then this monk fruit maple syrup will most certainly do the trick. What are you waiting for? Get yourself a bottle!

Don’t forget to check out these recipes on my blog that feature Lakanto’s monkfruit maple syrup!

  1. Sneaky Protein Maple Cinnamon Porridge (healthy, vegan and gluten free)
  2. Dorm-Friendly Breakfast Sweet Potatoes
  3. Dorm-Friendly 2-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies (I always use Lakanto maple syrup when creating this recipe)
  4. Four-Ingredient Vegan French Toast (inspired by Hot Body Year Round)
  5. Chocolate Roasted Kabocha Squash (with a keto option)


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