The Moment I Said Buh-Bye to Calorie Counting

I can’t think of one person on a health and fitness journey that didn’t try to count calories or at least never bothered to calculate how much they needed. Before I elaborate into how I bid farewell to the calorie calculator, let me summarize the story of how I said hello. I lost ten pounds eating clean and hitting the gym’s elliptical every week and was ecstatic. However, there was one day when I went to the mall and thought I would fit into the tiniest pieces of clothing that were trending at the time, and little did I know would encounter a bitter disappointment. You’re still too large.

Me when I was seemingly
Me when I was seemingly “too big” to be pretty

I immediately browsed the Internet to find the slimming secrets of what people with perfectly trimmed figures kept to maintain their physiques. Eventually, I came across what scientific studies had shown was the key to losing weight, which was to expend more calories than to consume. So I calculated how many calories I needed according to my stats and found that my body needed 1,240 calories a day. Made sense, because I carried so much fat on an average-sized body. I thought might as well be the thinnest my body type can possibly be.

The first day after that moment I calculated practically everything I ate after a meal, many times including condiments and little nibbles here and there to keep myself aware. Every day after school I’d hop on the computer and track everything I ate to make sure I maintained the lowest number possible to “save up” for dinner and plan my meals ahead so that everything could add up accordingly. I also made sure my calories burned exceeded what I ate to create a deficit.

I’d freak out if I didn’t know what was in my food, feel extremely guilty after going overboard even if it was healthy food, and started hating my workouts because I’d do them for so long and only do what I thought would burn the most energy. I restricted my plate with foods that were super low calorie, low carb, low sugar, low fat, and super unflavorful, which accounted for my never-ending cravings. I worried about putting an entire scoop of protein powder into my pancakes, letting my family cook for me, doing yoga, taking rest days, and eating fruits, grains, whole eggs, nuts, coconut and avocados.

At first, the results were spectacular. I shrank size after size until I couldn’t even wear half of what my closet carried because I was so small. I started to hinder my progress and even gain weight at certain times and assumed that I had to eat cleaner and smaller portions and workout more. I upped my exercise time and intensity immediately all while consuming the cleanest, lowest calorie food because I thought I needed so much effort to maintain my size.

A typical meal plan of my lifestyle at this moment would’ve consisted of breakfast being an omelet with three egg whites (with the olive oil wiped off, of course), four kale leaves, a tablespoon of bell peppers, pepper and a side of berries (because they are low in sugar), eight almonds as a midmorning snack, lunch a Romaine salad with a half a cup of lettuce, 2 ounces of chicken, two paper-thin slices of avocado and lemon juice, an afternoon snack of five almonds or “healthy” hot chocolate being fat free coconut milk, a teaspoon of cacao powder and a sh*tload of Stevia because it tasted terrible by itself, and dinner being half a cup of vegetables and 3 ounces of chicken, tofu or seafood. All while working out three hours a day. AHEM.

The moment I had to take a break was on my first trip to Spain when I had to live under conditions where I was not in control of my food. Obviously, I had a heart attack and exploded. I was constantly terrified when it came to meal time, since a lot of traditional Spanish tapas are deep-fried, oily, sugary or come with rice and bread crumbs. When I came back I thought I gained a million bajillion pounds but was shocked to see that I gained nothing at all. In fact, I lost weight!

At first I was so confused. I ate chocolate pretzels, cake, creamy lobster sauce and peanut soba! How did I waste so much time and energy into putting so much precision into what came into my mouth and what I sweat off while struggling to keep the weight on when I lost weight effortlessly while walking as my main exercise and eating the fattiest foods I could think of??? It wasn’t until I discovered the mindset of listening to your body–intuitive eating and exercise at its finest.

You probably remember the time I quit workout logging, right? I started exercising for pleasure and trying new workouts my body wasn’t used to and was even more tired than my three-hour cardio sessions! I took a break from my measly egg white omelets and indulged in my mother’s homemade whole-grain coconut pancakes and Greek yogurt for brunch, enjoying the texture, smell, flavor and sweetness of carbs and sugars my body was deprived of for so long. I was fearful of these new foods, obviously, but my body restored itself after a few days. And I gained no weight.

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Looking back, I realize that calorie counting is pointless for several reasons. First of all, size and ripeness vary the amount of calories. If you’re eating whole foods–which you should be eating in the first place–every fruit and vegetable varies in size and ripeness while every piece of meat varies in fat content and cooking tolerance. For instance, did the person who measured that a large apple was 95 calories use a radiantly red, juicy and round apple or a gross, unripe and sad pinkish one? Which one would you rather eat?

After a few interesting results from a little test I did a few days ago, I discovered that every database is mildly to drastically different. I went on a few calorie databases, punched in the same measurements and activity levels for all of them and compared what each site recommended for me to maintain my weight–and trust me, I double checked each of them for accuracy. You can see for yourself as to how you think I’d react to what I discovered!

More than 2000 calories? Awesome!….

SELF Calorie Requirements


LIVESTRONG Calorie Counter

…….why is the number dropping?…

CalorieKing Calorie Requirements

..oh SH*T!!!

Jillian Michaels

If that doesn’t explain a lot about how crazy our diet industry is, I don’t know what does! One database will give you a number that gives you so much freedom while another basically enforces you to starve yourself. You punch in everything correctly, but sometimes your intuition doesn’t match what’s on the calculator. You can exceed your caloric goal and be starving, or you can complete less than half of the recommendation and not be hungry at all. YOUR body is the best calculator–sure, it won’t give you an exact number but it will help you reach your goals if you just listen to it.

I’m not saying calories are the devil. Calories are energy. It’s up to us to use them wisely. Too much “good for the soul” calories give us no nutrition, no energy and just contaminate our bodies with chemicals and toxins. Too much “good for the body” calories are just no fun and are socially isolating. Even the healthiest gurus I know still enjoy junk food once in a while, such as vegan pizzas, donuts, froyo with chocolate syrup and sprinkles, fried rice, candy, burgers and Chipotle burritos. But it’s because their bodies crave for those foods. The idea of nutritional deficiencies is a bit of a gimmick for some. Coming from the experience of some people, fifty homemade “high protein low carb low fat low sugar” chocolate cookies will not cure the same craving as one Oreo. I personally have such a strong ethic against those types of foods I avoid them literally as much as I can, but if I order tofu that turns out to be slightly battered or indulge in some dairy-free ice cream and sorbet once in a while, I’m happy.

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The next time you’re craving a cookie but questioning whether or not you want that or a bowl of oatmeal with chocolate chips? Just have a piece of that cookie and see if you’re satisfied. If yes, you’re doing the right thing, and if not, stop and have the oatmeal because you need more fiber. No matter if our ancestors ate a Paleo animal-based diet or a raw vegan plant-based diet, they 100% sure ate intuitively. It is so simple and science likes to complicate everything. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re satisfied, and be happy.

***Besides, those chocolate chip buckwheat pancakes have to get into my face NOW. And FYI, I bet they were WAY more than 1200 calories. #sorrynotsorry

10 responses to “The Moment I Said Buh-Bye to Calorie Counting”

  1. Can I ‘LOVE’ this post? I actually had a huge problem with calorie counting and excessive exercise a couple years back. Like you, I’d freak about about going to restaurants, eating things like bananas and egg yolks, and even eating food cooked by my mom! I now realize that I had orthorexia, which means I was so obsessed with the purity of things I ate (I even brought my own food to BIRTHDAY PARTIES) – which is ridiculous, and quite rude, now that I think about it.

    I agree that calorie counting is not worth the trouble and stress, but sometimes I am still stuck on it just because I’m curious. I find myself often counting calories roughly in my head (70 for the egg, 100 for the banana, 50 for flax seeds… at breakfast, for example) to make a rough estimate for myself. It’s certainly not the best habit, but I need it because I simply can’t listen to my body at times! My mouth just WANTS certain things and the only thing I can do to stop it is to eat it and count it. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you can relate–yes you can LOVE this post 🙂 and I’m also so proud of you for recovering! I was never officially diagnosed but I personally have a feeling I was very close to having orthorexia! 😦
      Looking back I wasted so much time and energy into calculating food–and it’s weird but I didn’t enjoy the flavors as much while counting because I was so obsessed with numbers in and out! I also refused a lot of things that my family cooked too–I got angry at my mom for using olive oil and felt horrible when she chided me for making her feel bad when I should have been grateful she was cooking for me. I don’t think I’ve ever been at a point where I brought my own food, but I remember ordering a side dish (aka the lowest calorie option) at a restaurant while feeling so embarrassed since the rest of my friends ordered burgers and were worried I’d starve the rest of the night! Frankly, I did but at the time I would’ve rather starved than eaten too much! -_-
      Eating intuitively is probably what saved me from going insane and being officially diagnosed with an ED! I do look at labels if there are any, look at restaurant menus if they have it and sometimes look things up if I’m making a recipe, but I try to keep this as rough and general as possible. Oh yes, sometimes I can eat and eat until I fall asleep, so that does help too! I would love to hear your story on orthorexia if you posted one on your blog if you don’t mind! Unless if it’s too personal then I totally understand 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wasn’t diagnosed either but I think mental roadblocks like this don’t require a diagnosis. If you know or think you have it, and you meet the symptoms, you probably do. I know exactly what you mean with everything!
        I was actually thinking about posting that on my blog, as I wrote a super long one a while ago – but I ended up using it as a university application essay and got into UC Berkeley for Nutrition with it 🙂 I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to post the same essay as my story (it essentially is) on my blog, so I might have to change it up a bit before sharing it. I will actually have university news coming up on my blog soon!
        Seriously though, I loved this post 🙂


  2. omg omg omg, I love this so much. I feel like you are me in a different part of the world, lol. This is exactly what happened to me, I started to track and couldn’t let myself eat anything without logging it into myfitnesspal. My grandpa made this delicious dinner once and I wouldn’t eat it because I didn’t know what was in it. Looking back on that, I feel so upset that I let myself get that attached to a misally app. on my phone. Your body knows what it wants, it’ll crave real food and nutrients it needs for your own personal needs, not what a computer is telling you. Intuitive eating is definitely the way to go, however I think that counting calories and macros can be beneficial because it did allow me to realize how many carbs are in need be things, and that I can eat some “fun” foods without feeling guilty. But it does become time consuming, and can be very stressful, I advocate listening to your body, while eating nutrient dense foods. 🙂 great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, I’m so glad you can resonate! We are from different parts of the world and we totally have to meet up! 😀
      I know, I really regret wasting so much time and energy into something that is so unimportant. To be honest, we’re not going to look back 10 years ago and feel proud that we only ate 270 calories at dinnertime. We’re going to feel proud that we graduated high school and college with amazing friends, accomplishments and made so many beautiful memories. Plus, all that calorie counting does take your brain away from your intuition–I agree! But yes, I’ve heard of IIFYM and I know that it works for a lot of people. I’m so glad you found a healthy relationship with food where you’ve found balance ❤ thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw yes I feel like we connect so well 🙂 & thank you so much, glad you found peace too ❤ ❤


  3. I LOVED this post! While I’ve never worked out my exact calories for the day, I do sometimes worry about whether I’m consuming too much – especially at restaurants and parties when I don’t know how much oil/butter they’ve used!
    This post was very inspiring 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely felt the same way before–always scared of butter, oils (even the healthy ones), salts, sauces, etc.!


  4. This is a great post. It is about eating whole foods and eating for ones lifestyle. great read! Thanks for sharing your journey

    Liked by 1 person

  5. @Claudia,
    you must work out your calories! its like a car, if you put to much fuel in you will have a problem, only people just put on weight! and fuel wont shoot out of the car lol!

    Liked by 1 person

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