Forks Over Knives Review

Voila, another movie review! Long awaited, I know, but this is a pretty lengthy post for a reason. Forks Over Knives just covers a pensive topic, which is veganism. In my January Favorites post, it made my favorites list as a super enlightening documentary that opens eyes.

Unlike many others, however, I did not disclose as to whether or not my own eating habits will change based on this movie. Note that I’ve done tons of research about veganism waaaaay before I saw the film, so I kept outside knowledge in mind. But if you want to know if Forks Over Knives is a good eye-opener, then continue reading the review!


We explore with American physician Caldwell Esselstyn and American biochemist T. Colin Campbell, whom many of you know is the author of The China Study, all the endless benefits of eating a plant-based whole foods diet, the major being a natural cure for numerous diseases such as high cholesterol levels, diabetes and cancer.


Just like Food Inc., Forks Over Knives is pretty honest and very educational. First things first, the major message about diet is nothing new compared to other health resources: eat less animals, more plants and thrive. Every theory about the health versus the medicinal industry said in the movie is true. Why would someone risk a diet void of healthy fruits and vegetables for future diabetic medications or even a heart transplant? Why do people ask where vegans get their protein if they themselves don’t know where to get their vitamins and minerals? I simply don’t see the logic in those notions.

The success stories are so inspirational, NOT because of the weight loss. The people who eliminated all animal products saved their own lives. This proved clean eating is magical. You can reverse diabetes, cancer, and heart disease with it! People may think that this isn’t science, but I believe that your diet has a similar process. The food you eat create chemical reactions inside your body, speeding blood sugar, slowing it down, creating digestive problems or giving you the perfect bursts of energy. This is what the movie wants to convey. I mean, just look at that feast. I’d eat the entire table. NOM.


The farm conditions revealed in the film are nothing new, and nothing anyone wants to see.


On the contrary, Forks Over Knives does not necessarily defend their mantra in a practical manner and overlook many notions. Some of their arguments are a little too general. Does the doc expect us to think all cholesterol is bad? Because it’s not. Which type of cholesterol do animal products raise: LDL, that horrible little artery clogger, or HDL, the superhero scavenger eliminating LDL?  However, this is a movie review, not a myth buster, so therefore this won’t be a lecture on eggs or whatever.

Some of the graphs and text pictures (including the one below) look somewhat sketchy, while the narration in the background keeps pondering on animal consumption association with heart disease. This may show that some topics are covered too briefly or they kind of went on a cherry-picking spree. But I can’t vouch for that.


Lastly, you may feel bad and unsure about what to do after watching it. I became so conflicted. Once I looked at my food I saw the industry I was supporting. Was my chicken breast really full of artery-clogging triglycerides? Would I get osteoporosis from eating Greek yogurt? What would everyone around me think if I were to give up everything cold turkey?


At the end of the day, Forks Over Knives is a polished, well-made and enlightening film revealing what the corporations want to hide from us. Its content is incredibly intriguing.

So will I go vegan because of this documentary? That is a question I cannot jump to conclusions to right away because I’m being considerate of the environment around me. I’ve been passionate about health and fitness for more than four years and have read too many studies and too much evidence that support the opposite argument. (Exhibit A: there’s even research that there are brain nutrients that can only be found in animal foods!) Maybe in the future, maybe not.

What I will say is that I have become flexitarian, which you could say is a lazy vegetarian. Whenever possible I will go meatless, but not necessarily plant-based. If I were to do so I’d have to give up dairy, eggs, and soy, which are all staples in my well-being. I love Greek yogurt, frittatas, and tofu will all my heart. I’m sorry for any vegans reading this, but I can’t do that. Just not yet. Such a sacrifice is too inappropriate at this time.


(Besides, who would want to give up Vinh Loi??)

Also, if one would convert to a plant-based diet, he or she has to commit to veganism overall in order to prevent any controversy. I can’t just not eat steak and wear a leather jacket. I can’t say I love animals if I wear fur or makeup that was tested on rabbits. Wearing your animal is no different than eating it. I have to practice everything I preach, but no offense to any one who isn’t vegan outside of diet. All’s to their own and this is just my honest thought.

So if you are interested in this movie and its ideals, you can learn more about the Forks Over Knives diet, movie and community right here if you’re trying out a plant-based diet! It’s a beautiful lifestyle.

P.S. I promise you that there is a high probability I will go vegan much later in my life. One day when I’m sixty years-old I will finish a marathon just like Ruth!

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