Tuesday Thoughts: Quotes Exchange

Let’s just delve right into it: are you a fan of inspirational quotes? I most certainly am! Once I kickstarted my journey to health and weight loss, I would search up random fitspiration quotes on Tumblr and on the Internet that I’d save up on a digital folder to keep whenever I just needed some extra motivation and encouragement. However, as I’ve been growing and learning more about the world and life around me, now I utilize quotes for a lot more reasons beyond health and fitness. Most of the time they’re for positive encouragement, reassurance, wisdom, philosophy or just anything that really intrigues me.

All of these quotes below are either screenshots from my iPhone, photos from books I’d read when out and about, links from my Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, other places from the Internet or from the top of my head (both in block quotes or from Tumblr). There are always new and old ones that I find are so important to me, but here is a selection of the quotes I find to be the most inspiring and refreshing. Also, I would LOVE to know what your favorite quotes are so that we can learn from each other and learn about other ideas and other people who made up those quotes, so leave your favorites in the comments below and let me know if any of these quotes also strike you fancy!

The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before. – Albert Einstein


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Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
― Robert Tew

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Abundance is simplicity, deprivation is occupation. – Original Quote

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“The result of this innovation has been a vast increase in the amount of food energy available to our species; this has been a boon to humanity, but not an unalloyed one. We’ve discovered that an abundance of food does not render the omnivore’s dilemma obsolete. To the contrary, abundance seems only to deepen it, giving us all sorts of new problems and things to worry about.”



You only eat the M&M’s in the trail mix, so why surround yourself with a bunch of nuts?

― My yearbook quote 🙂


And lastly, by dear Siri:


What are your favorite inspirational quotes?

4 responses to “Tuesday Thoughts: Quotes Exchange”

  1. I *love* this post, and I think your yearbook quote might be my favorite! I also love the page from “How to Eat”; when I saw it on your instagram I was actually inspired to get the book, and it made me realize how often I don’t pay attention when I’m eating.

    I’ve been collecting motivational quotes on tumblr since I was in high school and now have a bunch sitting in my archive, maybe I’ll post some of my own soon. How did you get tumblr posts to embed so nicely in WordPress?


    1. Thank you, thank you! LOL, it might be mine too XD yes, that book is amazing and I highly recommend that you check it out! So glad you did! You definitely should post some–I just copy and paste the actual link of the quote from Tumblr onto the page and the site embeds it for you! Hope this helps and let me know if it doesn’t 🙂


      1. It totally worked, thanks! Just posted a bunch of them, what a great way to avoid doing homework haha. But now I’m definitely feeling more motivated to get stuff done

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So glad it did–and I totally did the same thing (shh, don’t tell anyone XD)! And I agree! It’s always motivating to have some quotes besides you so that you can actually do stuff 🙂


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