Can You Relate…

First time trying these kinds of fill-in-the-blanks posts! I’ve always loved reading these types of articles and have so much fun answering them in my head!

Can you relate to the joy of quarter-empty peanut butter jars?

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Can you relate to my obsession with Indian food?

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Can you relate to my adoration for quotes on mindfulness?

Can you relate to my distaste for people who don’t clean up after themselves?


Can you relate to the pressure of not feeling good enough?

Can you relate to feeling annoyed by even the slightest things?


Can you relate to my love for carbs?

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Can you relate to having so many unflattering pictures of yourself?


Can you relate to wanting a clone to do work for you?

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Can you relate to playing around with the alphabet while doing this ab workout?

Here’s what I came up with:

HEALTHY FOOD ALPHABET (all in one take)

  1. A…Avocado!
  2. B…Bell peppers
  3. C…Cinnamon aka my addiction
  4. D…Dandelion root
  5. E…Edamame
  6. F…Farro
  7. G…Garlic
  8. H…Himalayan pink sea salt?
  9. I…Iceberg lettuce
  11. K…Kohlrabi
  12. L…wait I already said lettuce…Leeks
  13. M…Monkfruit
  14. N…Nectarines
  15. O…Okra or orange? Eh either one works
  16. P…Pumpkin (aw gosh darn it I could’ve said kabocha instead of kohlrabi)
  17. Q…Quinoa
  18. R…Raspberries! Come to think of it, I haven’t had raspberries in a while…
  19. S…Sweet potatoes like DURRRRRRR
  20. T…Tomatoes
  21. U…uhhhhh…..oh gosh I have no idea…..I swear to God there’s something out there that starts with the letter U…no no NO do NOT search on Google!…ugh this is so much harder than I thought…..okay we’re going with Upside down baked oatmeal
  22. V…oh dear goodness me I have no idea
  23. W…Watermelon
  24. X…more like Xtra PEANUT BUTTAH
  25. Y…Yucca
  26. Z…Zucchini


YOLO FOOD ALPHABET (also all in one take)

  1. A…Apple pie
  2. B…Belgian waffles
  4. D…Danish pastries
  5. E…Enchiladasssssss
  6. F…Funnel cake
  7. G…Gelato ayoooooo
  8. H…Hollandaise sauce
  9. I…ICE CREAM!!!!!
  10. J…Jambalaya
  11. K…ummm does Krispy Kreme count?
  12. L…Lollipops I suppose
  13. M…Mung bean che, which actually sounds SO good right now
  14. N…I dunno haha
  15. O…Orange-style fried soy chicken (because I’d rather have that than real orange chicken)!!!
  16. P…Pie
  17. Q…are Quinces considered YOLO foods?
  18. R…Rhubarb crumbles? Am I allowed to do that?
  19. S…Samosas! Actually SO GOOD
  20. T…Toaster strudel
  21. U…Upside down pineapple cake–now I KNOW that’s a thing
  22. V…Vermicelli noodles
  23. W…Wine, I guess?
  24. X…yeah not even going to attempt this one
  25. Y…wait yogurt isn’t considered a YOLO food…oh gosh but yams are healthy too….and I could say yellow cake but I’ve already talked about cake like three times already….alright screw it we’re going with Yellow cake
  26. Z…Zucchini bread from Cal Poly because those suckers are RIDICULOUSLY high in fat man

AFTERMATH: Dang, Kit Kats, Quesadillas, Risotto, and Udon would’ve worked perfectly! Oh and supposedly I could’ve said Xiaolongbaos…aw man

Can you relate to eating out of serving bowls?


Can you relate to looking back at old photos and thinking, JEEZ, was that REALLY me?!


Wow, transformations truly can be amazing…

Can you relate to getting lost on Tumblr?

…when did I like these again?

Can you relate to adoring sunsets?

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Can you relate to basic college problems?


Can you relate to acting out your own marriage?

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Lastly, can you relate to my dog-like instincts…aka being territorial?


Can you relate to any of these things?

4 responses to “Can You Relate…”

  1. Mile High Dreamers Avatar
    Mile High Dreamers

    Haha! These made me laugh. Definitely can relate to the love of carbs! YES. Also to the unflattering pictures haha, although I often bring it on myself. I can’t help but make the silly faces!
    Thanks for the laughs today, they were needed!

    Susie |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so glad you got a laugh out of these! 🙂 Aren’t carbs just the essence of happiness? I wouldn’t say that unflattering pictures are quite the same, but I do get a good laugh of them! Sometimes I can’t take myself too seriously!
      I hope all is well! Glad this post made you happy! 😀


  2. I remember in college…. When the party would start outside our dorm room. My roomie slept with ear plugs and I honestly learned how to sleep even when there are loud noises occurring!! And now… I sleep with a fan, so that helps a lot too to drown out the sounds.

    And I do also remember acting out my own wedding… Because I didn’t think it would EVER happen! Except, it totally became a reality, and um, it was NOTHING like how I acted! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, parties. You just GOT TO LOVE THEM RIGHT. But anyways, I try to sleep through the loud noises, but it always backfires when I sleep through my alarms! Anyhow, I need to invest in some good earplugs or a fan, which would be super helpful given that housing where I study doesn’t have AC!
      Bahaha, and how life throws interesting changes! I totally thought that I would be carried to the aisle on my wedding, which could happen, because mine hasn’t happened yet!


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